- First go to this link as a karaoke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AW9C3-qWug
- Try to do this exercise of filling the gaps with the conductor of the programme:
"There's nothing quite like the ___________________ when you listen to the song ___________ by someone you don't know, you've _____________ met but somehow she's managed to _______________ exactly how you've felt in a _______________ moment in your ____________ -
This next artist has __________ able to do this ___________ after ___________. And it's for that ______________ she's carrying number one in astonishingly ________ counties. If you've ________ had a broken heart, ..... (sorry, but I don't understand the last sentence)
- Once you know the lyrics, go to this video and try to understand the conductor and to recognize the words of this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qemWRToNYJY
- This link is with the lyrics on top of the video and subtitles with the translation into Spanis at the bottomh, just in case you want to know the meaning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5w5v6jzU0Y&feature=relate
I hope you'll have a good time doing this exercise. See you in class.