lunes, 19 de abril de 2021

Preparing final exams

 This entry is to help you with the final exams, especially for A2. But if you want, you can use it to practise with A1 as well.

You can use the 2020 exams from different CCAA; some of them don't have the A2 level as there wasn't that exam in some places like Madrid or Cataluña, but you can go to these links:

A2 level:

These other links are from other CCAA but you need to check the level you're looking for, taht is, A2, among all the levels given:

There are some differences between Autonomous Communities and you can find more samples or models than these, but the exams are a bit older and maybe with more different tahn the ones we have now. Nevertheless, go to this link about Madrid for A2: click HERE.

If you want to see more examples of exams at EEOOII, go to this link.

I hope this is useful for you and I wish you the best for your exams.

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Preparing final exams

 This entry is to help you with the final exams, especially for A2. But if you want, you can use it to practise with A1 as well. You can use...