martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Revision of Present and Past Simple

We're going to revise this tense but keep in mind that it's not the same as the Spanish simple present: this tense is connected to routines, habits or frequent actions. That's the reason why we normally use frequency adverbs with this tense. There are also verbs that are normally used in present simple such as need, think, feel, want, like, have and so on. Let's see some examples:
  • I come to English class twice a week and I usually use public transport.
  • I think I need a new notebook. This doesn't have enough pages so I want to buy a new one today.
  • I like watching TV at night when I have time and I don't feel too tired.
If you want to practise with this tense go to these links:
To finish with, have a look and sing this funny song. The singers use past simple a lot so we are going to try to see which is the present tense of each verb. To listen to the song click here: I don't care, I love it 

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Preparing final exams

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