domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

Preparing certificate exams

Some people are looking for exams to practise with in order to prepare your final exam to get the certificate of "nivel básico". Here you have the links to take the sample exam in Euskadi. Remember it's not the same as the one we have in the Community of Madrid but it helps to practise.


3 comentarios:

Joe Bloggs writes .... dijo...

Hi Pilar,
Im Raquel, I was in your class last year...I love your blog, for me is awesome every day I´m practing my English... but this links (pruebas de nivel) that you put I Think so has a mistake... because I don´t see anything.
I hope that you are Ok.
Best whises

Joe Bloggs writes .... dijo...

Pilar, Im Sorry...the links is Ok...

Francisco dijo...

El tercer link es el mismo que el segundo; os dejo el que debería ser el tercero

Preparing final exams

 This entry is to help you with the final exams, especially for A2. But if you want, you can use it to practise with A1 as well. You can use...